Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I think the worst thing about having your bike stolen (other than the cost of replacing it), is knowing that whoever has it will never appreciate as much as you did. If they did, they wouldn't have stolen it in the first place. It just adds insult to injury to think that your fantastic bike is being sold for 50 bucks somewhere, just to feed someone's crack addiction.
Maybe next time I fit a small explosive in the frame with a radio controlled activator. My bike goes missing again, I just hit a button and listen for the sound of a faint boom from across town. Do that a few times and bike theft will be a thing of the past.

1 comment:

  1. John,

    That sucks about the bike....I'm thinking On Star for bikes.

    Then again I like your deterrent ...... seems more efficient.

    Keep those tons coming they are great.

    Tom Finn
