Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I suppose it's the fear of things we don't know that cause us to harshly criticize other peoples actions and decisions that we don't understand. As a society, America is perfectly willing to hand 16 year old kids the keys to a car, a combination known to be unstable, but the responsibility to sail a boat alone is too much? Parents force their children prematurely down unhealthy paths all the time, i.e. glamour pageants, athletics, advanced schooling, yet we see nothing wrong with it because we can understand it. The notion of sailing solo around the world would seem like a silly fantisy to most people, when in fact, we should ecourage that type of endevour. It is that exact pursuit and drive that advances societies and makes us all better as people. Should we just stop exploring and pushing limits all together. Maybe it's the age thing. Right, we'll all just plop our kids down in front of the TV instead, thats healthy for them.
Oh, well there is the cost of a rescue should things go wrong during a trip like that. I guess it's not fair that the tax payers be forced to foot that bill. But wait a minute, how much is America spending on obesity related issues alone?
But thats different I guess.
Or just perspective.

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