Monday, March 1, 2010

On the news the other morning they were reading some complaint letters that DC residents had sent to Mayor Fenty regarding his apparent lack of action during the SNOWPOCALYPSE. This is funny to me for several reasons. First, parking in DC sucks on a good day. Second, snow removal in DC sucks during a regular winter storm. Now combine that with a record setting snowfall for which our region is not prepared, and of coures its going to be a disaster. Third, this was a perfect chance for all the people out there with gas guzzeling suv's to use that strange little button on the console marked 4x4. Finally, you could drive around in all your off road glory and point fingers at all those prius owners and yell, "Not this time, hippies." Speaking of pointing fingers, it only seems like the right thing to do in DC when your actions are being called into question, blame someone else. We all know that Mayor Fenty didn't make it snow, and surely he was not sitting idle during the clean-up, so who can we really blame? It was the ground hog. Had Punxsutawney Phil not called for this weather when he saw his shadow, then we would all be enjoying 65 degree days right now. Damn rodents.

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