Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Many thanks to everyone who followed Tuesday Toons, but its time to say goodbye.

We're off to focus on some other projects so rest assured you haven't heard to last of us.
So Thanks again and we hope to see you again soon.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's not that bad out there yet but something tells me it's not too far away.

And yes, I should have made it HOB instead.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fuzzy bundles of joy...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A what point did it become necessary to dress like dysfunctional super-hero in order to go for a run. This movement no doubt is lead by the same people that feel its ok to run down busy streets just be seen. A bit of humility and self awareness is not necessarily a bad thing.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Taking a road trip always congers up memories of long days spent in the back of the family station wagon as a kid. Good for character building, bad for sanity. What was it about 1989 that everyone just had to have an enormous ugly car with wood panal sides. As if all parents had meeting to decide they were all going to buy the most embarrassing car possible.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I'm on a cross country trip and camping in the mountains at the moment so I figured re-posting this toon from a couple years ago would be fitting. And since I really don't have the facilites to post a new one, I thought I would include a few of my past favorites.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fight all you want, no one can defeat the Facebook Monster.

So yes, Tuesday Toons is now on Facebook:

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Why is it that whenever people don the tourist hat, they lose all common sense and situational awareness or accountability.  If you are from any major city or tourist area, you know first hand that the most lethal threat comes not from the crazy cabbies, but the out-of-towners completely neglecting all traffic signs, social etiquette, and the key principals from Life Basics 101.
"Yes just go ahead and proceed as normal through the intersection. Those bright red lights don't mean stop for you, thats just a silly local custom."

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Back in the day, flying was an exciting and romantic experience. Think back to greeting your loved ones as they walked off the jetway. Remember when cross country flights had leg room, personal TV's, and three square meals. Well maybe we don't miss the food, but I do long for the days of looking forward to going to the airport. Now it's all long lines, strip searches, baggage fees, and sardine can size seating plans.
So when is this new network of high speed rail supposed to be up and running? Not soon enough.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Inspired by the latest development at SXSW Interactive, the "Homeless Hotspots" could usher in a new era for the modern street beggar. Why stop there? I'm thinking mobile ATM's, concessions, emergency medical response. There is no end to the ways we could exploit the homeless. I mean, what could possible go wrong?